Small is Good 2022: Holiday Show & Sale

DEC 2 – 23 | MAIN Gallery
Open Reception: DEC 9, 7 pm – 10 pm

We are currently looking for submissions to our annual Small is Good holiday show and sale!

Submissions are open to all Centre[3] members. If you would like to submit work but your membership has lapsed, please renew your membership online below, or in person during our regular business hours. Unfortunately Centre[3] cannot accept work from non-members.

All artworks must be original. Submissions are limited to 5 pieces per member (this limit does not apply to greeting cards or multiples). Work submitted must be priced under $200. While sculptural work is limited to 10lbs, there are no size limitations on 2 dimensional print-based work. Framed works must be wired. All artists must sign an exhibition contract and agree to all terms of the exhibition and sale.

Centre[3]’s commission on sales is 40%. This commission goes directly towards Centre[3]’s artist spaces, arts education, and community arts programs. The remaining 60% of the sales price will be paid to the artist.

Drop off date: Nov 24th to Nov 26th from 10 am to 5 pm, at 173 James Street North. 

Questions? Email Jeff at