Curated by Becky Katz and Christina Tarsitano, Centre[3] is extremely proud to present our annual Art Education & Community Arts Exhibition: Centre[3]’s Art Education and Community Arts Programs use the arts as a vehicle to educate, engage and collaborate with its participants on a local, regional, and national level. Working with a wide-range of schools and community groups across our City and region, Centre[3] enriches our community artistically and socially.
Over the past 11 months, Centre[3]’s Outreach programming was brought to over 20 schools and organizations in Hamilton’s core and surrounding areas, including: NuSteel, SHAE (Strengthening Hamilton Aboriginal Education), Cathedral, St. David’s, Hess Street, Glendale, Mental Health Rights Coalition, Wesley Urban Ministries’ Neighbourhood & Newcomer Services, Hamilton Regional Indian Centre, Hamilton Youth Poets, North Hamilton Community Health Centre, Catholic Children‘s Aid Society, Kiwanis Boys and Girls Club, Camp Fananeen, among many other organizations – subsequently reaching over 2000 children, youth, adults, and seniors.
These special programs would not have been possible without the funding, support, and contributions from the Ontario Trillium Foundation, Laidlaw Foundation, Hamilton Wentworth District School Board, ArcelorMittal Dofasco, Service Canada, New Horizons for Seniors, Incite Foundation for the Arts, Hamilton Community Foundation, Ontario Arts Council, and Canada Council for the Arts.
Art Education: NuSteel, MVP, Barton Beautification, Project Ze, My Land My Shirt, Artists in the Schools, Schools in the Studio.
Community Arts: Sitelines, Proof Positive, My City My Home, [Nu]links, [D]irect [M]essage, Camp Fananeen.