Unplug and Living Left, Hadley and Rory Go To The South Seas
Linda Booth, Maureen Steuart
April 4 - May 2, 2019
Opening Reception: Friday, April 12, 2019 - 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Unplug and Living Left is a visual display of how much richer our world is when we ditch social media and get outside. Living Left is a tribute to people whose lives burn brighter through non-traditional passions. Unplug is a sampling of the beauty that enriches our life through travel.
Hadley and Rory Go To The South Seas
Maureen Steuart
Hadley and Rory travel from one adventure to another with joy and curiosity. I started doing collages, a new experiment that loosened up my tight etching skills. I transferred the collage’s looseness many times to new etchings of the collages. While the children had their adventures, I had mine.
We are partially physically accessible. We have a level entrance leading to our shop, information desk, galleries, washroom and traditional print studio. Unfortunately, we do not have automatic doors or an elevator. We are working toward becoming a physically accessible space in the future.