
PRO/DEV 2021: Professional Development Workshops

Thursdays, 5-7PM
Starts: August 19, 2021

This past year has been a tough one for the arts community. These workshops are designed to be a kickstart for those emerging in the art world, and a refresher for established creatives; an opportunity to reconnect with the community, and a chance to learn some new skills. 

PRO/DEV walks you through three essential skillsets for any artist or creative. From documentation to artist talks to online presence, these workshops will help you launch a new project or promote past work!

Documenting Art
With Alex Borghesan

Learn the essentials of photographing, scanning, and archiving artwork in this 2-part series.
Part I: August 19
Part II: September 2

About the facilitator: ALEX BORGHESAN is a multidisciplinary working artist as well as a technician at Centre[3]. He specializes in product images, archival work and reproductions.

Talking About Art
With Rebecca Casalino
How do you talk about art? Learn the languages and strategies that will help you improve!
September 9

About the facilitator: REBECCA CASALINO is an artist, writer and curator based in Hamilton, Ontario (Treaty 3) on the land of the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe First Nations people. She is a queer Italian-Canadian settler, maintaining her practice through deeply personal collaborations in her community and sheer willpower. Working in multiple making, video, sculpture, prose and drawing Casalino channels her lived experience through her quirky, often deadpan, humour. Casalino completed her BA in Studio Art, with a minor in English, at the University of Guelph in 2017 and is a recent graduate from Ontario College of Art and Design with an MFA in Criticism and Curatorial Practice. She currently produces and hosts the arts podcast Hopping the Fence which is in its second season.

Sharing Art
With Phoebe Taylor
Learn how to use social media & the Internet with artists and community in mind.
September 26
About the facilitator: PHOEBE TAYLOR (she + they) is an artist, mindful mover, community maker and creative director of Okay Shoe, working out of Hamilton Ontario, traditional territories of the Erie, Neutral, Huron-Wendat, Haudenosaunee and Mississauga people. Her work explores the intersection of art, mindfulness, intuition and creates space to explore these ideas through art-making, facilitating creative community-play and teaching movement. She creates work for the big feelers and collective thinkers and aims to inspire creativity in us all. They dream of liberation for all, a world where everyone can expresses their inner weirdo freely and believes everyone is an artist, even you!

As always, our Professional Development courses are FREE for Centre3 Members. Membership can be purchased or renewed online.

For non-members, a $40 pass covers admission to all of Centre[3]’s 2021 Professional Development workshops, plus an end-of-term wrap-up/open critique session.

Upon registration, you will receive an email with a link to the first Zoom session.

To register, or with any questions, email info@centre3.com.

Full Price


Member Price


IMPORTANT: Fees must be paid in full upon registration. Centre[3] reserves the right to cancel courses 2 business days before the start date. Courses cancelled by Centre[3] will be refunded in full. Participants who withdraw 10 or more business days prior to first class will be issued a credit for the full amount of their registration. We are unable to provide refund/credit for withdrawal fewer than 10 business days prior to first class. No make-up classes/substitutions provided.

ACCESSIBILITY: This workshop series will be held virtually through Zoom. If you require any accessibility supports, please contact us.  info@centre3.com | (905) 524-5084

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