
T‐Shirt Printing Workshop 3

Instructor: Michael Schnittker
Wednesday, November 9, 2022
6 ‐ 9 PM
Screenprinting Studio @ 173 James Street North, Hamilton Ontario
$95/$70 for members

Members will be reimbursed the difference upon registration.


Design and print your own T-shirt in this 3-hour workshop with screen printer Michael Schnittker. Take your t-shirt home! Please bring your design on a USB (drawing, photo, or image file). All printing materials provided, including one T-shirt. Extra shirts will be available for purchase at the workshop. 


Michael Schnittker is a screen printer living in Hamilton. He began screen printing in his parents’ basement, but eventually made his way into various commercial studios, then finally finding his place working as the print lead/studio tech at Centre[3]. Michael dabbles between garment printing and working with various paper printing techniques such as CMYK process printing.


Our 173 James North location is partially physically accessible. We have a level entrance leading to our shop, information desk, galleries, washroom and traditional print studio. Unfortunately, we do not have automatic doors or an elevator. We are working toward becoming a physically accessible space in the future.


October 5, 2022 / 6 ‐ 9 PM

November 9, 2022 / 6 ‐ 9 PM

November 23, 2022 / 6 ‐ 9 PM

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