
Zine Creation & Riso Printing with Sonali Menezes

Zine Creation & Riso Printing with Sonali Menezes
Instructor: Sonali Menezes
Jan 21, 2023 10 AM to 1PM
Centre3 Digital & Textile Studio @ 29 Harriet Street, Hamilton Ontario
$65 or $50 for Centre[3] Members

Members will be reimbursed the difference upon registration. Become a member today and enjoy members’ pricing for future workshops and exclusive benefits for our programming.


In this three-hour workshop, participants will learn the basics of analog and digital zine-making from concept through to a final riso-printed zine. We’ll start by familiarizing ourselves with zines: what are they, what do they do and what can they do for me? We’ll move on to designing individual pages in a collective zine. We’ll learn about layout and continue to riso-printing, assembly, and self-distribution.

A collection of Sonali's zines. Image by Ariel Bader-Shamai.


Sonali Menezes is an interdisciplinary artist based in Hamilton, ON. She tries her best to eat three meals a day and is the youngest of triplets. While her work spans many mediums, she has been most recently focused on poetry, video, printmaking, and zines. This year Sonali’s cookbook zine ‘Depression Cooking: easy recipes for when you’re depressed as fuck’ won Broken Pencil Magazine’s zine award for best info zine. In 2019 she was the recipient of the City of Hamilton’s Emerging Artist Award in Media Arts. Right now her work is focused on care. Care for herself, care for her body, care for kin and community. Sonali is part of Hamilton’s zine community at @zineclubhamont and @zineposium.
Image courtesy of Ariel Bader-Shamai.


Our Harriet street location is partially physically accessible. We have a level entrance leading to our shop, information desk, galleries, washroom and traditional print studio. Unfortunately, we do not have automatic doors or an elevator. We are working toward becoming a physically accessible space in the future.

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