Sunday, October 24, 2021 @ 3:00 – 4:30PM
The Web of Connections symposium brings together artists from Interweavings and Remediations to share their work and exchange on the common topics and themes from these two exhibitions curated by Nicole Burisch and Sally Frater. This online gathering will include presentations and workshops around the intersections of technology, textiles, craft, and materiality.
In this introductory workshop participants will learn how to create an electrical soft circuit by embroidering with conductive thread. During the workshop participants will explore various techniques to create an interactive soft circuit without programming using soft switches. The workshop will give tips for using conductive thread and discuss basic electronics. Participants will craft their own e-textile project.
This online workshop is free. A materials package will be mailed to participants upon registration.
Ryth Kesselring was born in Switzerland and moved to Québec in her childhood. She holds a bachelor’s degree with Great Distinction in Fine Arts from Concordia University. She is a member of the Textile and Materiality Research Cluster and was part of studio subTela as a research assistant where she worked on electronics and embroideries for smart textiles. The core aspect of her research is the relationship between the performative aspect of textile work and the rhythms of making, by including the viewer and the textile object itself in an interactive dialogue. Her recent work pursues reflections on textile labour by including the awareness of their historical, political and ecological issues.