Category: Members Gallery

Members Gallery

Maria Simmons: Growth Units

Maria Simmons: Growth Units Sept 2 – 30 | MEMBERS’ GalleryOpen Reception: Sept 9, 7 pm – 10 pm Maria Simmons, Wavelength of a Spore/Attachment,

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Artist in Residence

Welcome to my Regulated Body

Birdie (FKA Valentin Brown): Welcome to my Regulated Body Birdie (FKA Valentin Brown). Video still from “Welcome to my Regulated Body” (2021). Courtesy of the

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Members Gallery


Members’ gallery Elaine LauzonCarol PriamoAngela Zheng Juxtapositions March 30 – April 27, 2022 Acting as both crossroads and meeting place, Juxtapositions brings together the work of Elaine

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Members Gallery

Time Takes

Members’ gallery Tess Visser Time Takes February 18 – March 25, 2022 Reception: Friday, March 11, 7:00pm – 10:00pm Tess Visser, Carving Time. Images courtesy of

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Members Gallery

Two Sides

Members’ gallery TWO SIDES The Branscombe Environment Greg Branscombe & Blake Branscombe January 14 – February 15, 2022 Greg Branscombe, Jester (detail) | Blake Branscombe, Last

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